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The working principle and advantage analysis of EDI module
Author:Dongda Environment Time:2020-12-23 Clicks:128
       The effluent quality of the EDI system is stable at more than 15 megaohms, which can be widely used in the fields of electric power, electronics, medicine, chemicals, food and laboratories. It is a green revolution in water treatment technology.
       The EDI module is composed of six parts: anion/cation electrode plate, anion/cation exchange membrane, anion/cation exchange resin, flow passage of concentrated water chamber, flow passage of fresh water chamber and flow passage of water chamber.
       EDI removal of salt in water can be divided into two stages: strong ionization ion migration period (high salinity area) and weak ionization substance ionization period (low salinity area).
       The first stage: strong ionization ion migration stage
       1. The resin is saturated.
       2. Controllable diffusion of strong ionizing ions on the resin surface.
       Phase II: Ionization phase of weakly ionizing substances
       1. The resin is in H+ or OH- state (live state).
       2. Removal of weakly ionized substances (weak acid, weak base) in water through ionization reaction.
       The existing mixed ion exchange technology requires a large amount of acid and alkali consumption in the production, intermittent operation, and discharge of wastewater containing hazardous substances in production on a regular basis. The EDI system provides an environmentally friendly option with the following advantages:
       1. No need to use chemicals for living;
       2. Continuous operation, easy operation;
       3. Reduce the space occupied by equipment;
       4. No harmful waste water discharge.
       Zhejiang Dongda produces water treatment equipment according to customer needs in the production of pure water treatment equipment. We provide customers with product installation technical solutions. Please pay attention to more water treatment equipment! ! !
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